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Melissa's Services

Mediumship Readings, Energy Healing, & Other Services
Prices and Fees
(over the phone, on Zoom, and in-person)

Below are my top 3 most requested services,
followed by my additional offerings, including in-person ones.


Intuitive Readings

Good for general questions about life, career, relationships, and spiritual path.


Melissa's rates for Intuitive readings are:

15 minutes:  $45
30 minutes:  $65
45 minutes:  $85
60 minutes:  $105


Mediumship Readings (Human & Animal)

To try to reach lost loved ones, including pets, spirit guides, and any other spirits around you, for messages, closure, and guidance.


Melissa's rates for Mediumship readings are:

30 minutes:  $75
45 minutes:  $100
60 minutes:  $125


Spellcrafting Services

Choose from a candle (that either I burn on my altar for you or you pick up at the store to burn yourself; I provide photos and updates) or a charm bag (I can either mail it to you for an additional $11 or you can pick it up in the store at no additional cost).


Melissa’s rates for spellcrafting services plus consultation are:

15 minutes:  $104
30 minutes:  $124
45 minutes:  $144
60 minutes:  $164

Book Me:

The Green Man Store

​824 N Hollywood Way, Burbank, CA 91505


Contact Me:

Thanks for submitting!

I've had multiple readings by Melissa and they've all been spot on and in different ways.  It could have been confirmation for something that had been on my mind, or general information that I found useful. Two in particular stand out.
The first is that I had doubts about my relationship with my white ancestors and their participation in my life today. I never told Melissa any of this before or during the reading, but she directly addressed it with messages from my white ancestors.

M. Brown, CA


Additional Services

Book below or contact me through the submission form above.

Energy Healing and Reiki (Master level, Distant over Zoom, Animal & Human)

Energy healing modality (Usui/Holy Fire & Let Animals Lead Method).​


Melissa's rates for Distant Reiki Treatment are:

30 minutes:  $75
45 minutes:  $100

For In-Person Reiki Treatment:
Call the store to schedule
Sundays only
Same prices as distant

Dream Interpretation

Having strange or vivid dreams? My college thesis was on dreams. Let's explore them to find their hidden meanings and messages for you.


Melissa's rates for Dream Interpretation are:

15 minutes:  $45
30 minutes:  $65
45 minutes:  $85

Add A Spell

Add up to three additional spells to any service for $59.*


(*If purchased through the Green Man Store. All spells outside the store range from $50 to $100. Contact me directly for more information, but you'll get a better deal through the store.)

Signs from the Afterlife Interpretation

Do you think you're experiencing signs from a loved one but are having trouble interpreting or need validation? I've researched this extensively and am here to help. (I even wrote a book about it!)​


Melissa's rates for Signs from the Afterlife Interpretation are:

30 minutes:  $75
45 minutes:  $100
60 minutes:  $125

Animal Communication


I'll read your animal over Zoom to seek the source of any issues.


Melissa's rates for Animal Communication are:

15 minutes:  $45
30 minutes:  $65
45 minutes:  $85


Add more time if needed.​


$20 or $25 per 15 minutes (depends on base rate)

In-Person Services



House Cleansings

Does the energy at home feel off? Are you feeling sluggish or heavy? Quick to anger or irritable? Or recently had a party or many guests? Planning an event? You might need a house cleansing. I arrive with an assistant. We assess the energy, then custom tailor a cleansing for your unique needs. Email store to schedule.


Melissa's rates for House Cleansings are:


$250* per session (2-3 hours) base rate within 10 miles** of the store for one floor average size home

$50 additional per extra floor

(*MENTION WEBSITE FOR $100 OFF. For discount contact me directly here. LA area only.)
(**contact to discuss farther locations)


Paranormal Investigation

Do you think your home or other location is haunted? Would you like a paranormal team to investigate and attempt to provide you with evidence? I’ve co-hosted many live-streamed and private paranormal investigations nationwide and am a member of the Dark Zone, the Spirit Network, and S.I.G.H.T. Paranormal (Socal Intuitive Ghost Hunting Team). Email the store to schedule a Paranormal Investigation.


Melissa's rates for Paranormal Investigation are:


$250* per session (2-3 hours) base rate within 10 miles** of the store for one floor average size home

$50 additional per extra floor


(*MENTION WEBSITE FOR $100 OFF. For discount contact me directly here. LA area only.)

(**contact to discuss farther locations)



I am trained in various methods used in seances, including but not limited to Victorian Table Tipping, Spirit Trumpets, Spirit Boards (Ouija, Talking Boards), and Dowsings Rods. I also incorporate typical ghost-hunting tools like Spirit Boxes and EMF Readers. Email the store to schedule a Seance.


Melissa's rates for Seances are:


$450*** per session (3-4 hours, 10 people) base rate within 10 miles** of the store

(***MENTION WEBSITE FOR 50% OFF. For discount contact me directly here. LA area only.)

(**contact to discuss farther locations or more people)



Eric Max, Psychic Arts Center

"Badass psychic medium offering no-nonsense, crystal clear insights and ancient wisdom."

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